The Home Decor Tips Everyone Should Know Before They Turn 30
To live through your early-to-mid-twenties is to live in a state of habitual flux: new apartments! New neighborhoods! New cities! But as that twilight of one formative decade dims and a new, more stable era is on the horizon, you likely want a more settled, stylish environment. Home decor tips might be needed: The hodgepodge of furniture you inherited from an old roommate frankly just doesn’t fit your style. That bed-frame from Craigslist, bought years ago on your just-out-of-college budget, has seen better days. And your artwork? It’s bland, impersonal, and, unfortunately purchased in millennial pink’s heyday. (This writer may or may not be speaking from experience.) “Turning 30 can spark dramatic life changes as we start to turn our dreams into reality, leaving things behind that do not bring us joy and when our true values start to emerge,” interior designer Candace Rimes tells Vogue. “While we certainly shouldn’t feel pressure to have everything figured out, we do start to feel more comfortable with ourselves and begin to invest our time, money and energy more wisely.”
But the question is—how do we translate our newfound sense of self into interior style?
Vogue decided to ask 10 interior designers about the home decor tips you everyone should know before they turn 30. They stretched from the technical—buy a tape measurer, people!—to the philosophical. “Give yourself permission to experiment! Our homes should be reflections of who we are, and we are always evolving, so why shouldn’t our homes?” says Justina Blakeney.
Below, their thoughts—and a general how-to-guide for the home of your more-mature dreams.
On Picking Out Furniture
“Incorporating vintage items you inherited from friends or family or that you discovered at a local flea market is a great way to give your home a timeless look. Trends are great, but vintage is forever.” -Justina Blakeney, Jungalow
“When it comes to mirrors, go big. Unlike artwork which tends to draw you in, a mirror reflects light, enhances and expands space. A mirror on a wall can be as effective as a window. When it comes to mirrors, the bigger the better—as long as it is never wider than what it is hanging over.” -Nick Gagne
“When selecting area rugs remember too big is better than too small. If it is too skimpy it will look out of place. A large rug can spill over into other spaces and still feel appropriate. You can cut down a large rug, but you cannot stretch a small one. When selecting a rug for a seating area always try to have at least the front legs of all pieces sitting on it.” –Joe Berkowitz, JAB Design Group