Hemorrhoid Home Remedy – 5 Surefire Self-Treatments

Hemorrhoids have affected millions of people worldwide. This disease had been around for generations and has continued to rise in the modern age. New technology and industrialization have led people to live sedentary, inactive lifestyles that can lead to the onslaught of health problems such as hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids home remedy has played a major part in helping ease patient’s suffering from hemorrhoids. Although this disease is not necessarily fatal, the pain and discomfort it brings to its victim is truly unbearable and can be emotionally stressful. Symptoms include pain and difficulty in bowel movement, lumps felt in and around the anus, and in severe cases, blood stains in stools. Hemorrhoids occur when a patient strains in bowel movement, experiences chronic constipation, or is pregnant. When hemorrhoids are left untreated, they do not disappear and may recur from time to time. This is especially annoying and can cause serious frustration.

As more and more hemorrhoid sufferers open up and share their experiences while coping with the disease, a number of online journals and articles have sprouted like beans providing numerous alternative treatments for hemorrhoids. The single method of treatment that has become popular to most patients is the hemorrhoids home remedy given that many of them feel embarrassed about their condition and would very much like to deal with it in the privacy of their homes.

Try these six surefire hemorrhoids home remedies that have been tried and tested by fellow hemorrhoid patients and see if you, too, can attest to their effectiveness.

1. Fiber Diet – A major cause of hemorrhoids has a lot to do with the content of fiber in the body. Fiber is an important substance found in many plants that has a huge influence in the process of digestion. It promotes a regular and easy bowel movement so one doesn’t need to strain to eliminate body wastes. Fiber is also a known antioxidant. Examples of highly fibrous fruits are beans, nuts, all-natural cereals, raw fruits and vegetables.
2. Fluids – An easy-to-follow hemorrhoids home remedy is simply taking as much fluids as you can. These include water, fiber juices and other healthy, non-alcoholic beverages. Fluids cleanse the colon and aids in the softening of stools. Hard stools are the cause of constipation. By drinking enough fluids, you move your bowel with less strain.
3. Medicate Creams – A number of medicated creams and gels that can be bought in your local pharmacy are also effective for treating painful and irritating hemorrhoids. Choose the brand with natural ingredients. A good example is the witch hazel cream that is an astringent that shrinks lumps and gradually make them disappear.
4. Daily Exercise – A hemorrhoids home remedy that anybody can do at home is exercise. Daily exercise should be an important part of your day as it keeps you safe from other health problems such as heart disease. A rigorous exercise routine is not necessary. Simple morning walks and sit-ups can trigger your stools to come out and this helps promote regular bowel habit.
5. Safe Painkillers – If hemorrhoids are bothering you at home and you can’t have anything done because of the pain and discomfort, a safe over-the-counter drug can be a big help. Remember to take only a mild brand as you don’t want to become too dependent on it or run the risk of side effects.

A hemorrhoids home remedy is truly a convenient way to deal and cope with your hemorrhoid dilemma. Try some of these methods today and feel the comfort of living a hemorrhoids-free life.

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