5 Crucial Things to Consider Before Water Heater Installation

8 Factors to Consider before Water Heater Repair and Installation

Buying a new water heater is not enough; it has to be installed correctly, so you need to also focus on how it is installed. You don’t want your water heater to suddenly stop functioning right in winter when you need it the most.

  1. Costs of Installation

You need to calculate the installation cost, from purchase to the actual installation, before you embark on this heated journey. Consider additional costs, such as plumbing modifications or electrical work, that may not seem significant initially. It is best to seek professional services on crucial projects such as water heater installation.

Involve a licensed plumber or contractor who understands local building guidelines, etc. For instance, Orange County Water Heater Installation needs to follow the specified building codes.

  1. Type of Water Heater

There are now multiple water heater models to choose from, unlike in the old days when consumers were limited to just a few. You no longer have to settle for the old-school model. 

Different water heater models depend on various fuel sources, such as natural gas, electricity, propane, or air-source and ground-source for heat pumps.  So the availability and cost of these fuel sources in your area should influence your decision. From solar to tankless coil water heaters, you are spoilt for choice.

But each model has its unique pros and cons, so take your time to consider which one will work best for you. Some are costly to install but great energy-savers, while others are cheap to install but not energy-efficient. 

  1. Hot Water Needs

How much hot water will you need for your home, office or wherever the heater is to be installed? Different homes or premises have different hot water needs. As you ponder the installation, you need to figure out your particular hot water needs. How many bathrooms or occupants do you have, for example?  

Knowing this will help you figure out just how to go about the installation.

Your water needs will determine the size of the water heater you go for. Once you settle on the right size, your installation contractor can inspect the site and take measurements to determine if the size and type of heater you have chosen suits the site.

When you choose the wrong heater size, you simply set yourself up for poor energy efficiency and an increased chance of premature water heater replacement. A unit that is too small may not meet your water needs, while a heater will needlessly consume energy.

  1. Energy Efficiency

The efficiency rate of the water heater you intend to purchase is worth considering because some are not energy-efficient. If you are determined to reduce energy costs, get a water heater that will provide hot water for all purposes without overstretching your energy bills. For instance, solar water heaters consume much less fuel to heat up water.

Parting Shot

Once you have considered these and are satisfied that you have what it takes to install your water heater, engage a water heater near you to start working on this project before winter sets in. 

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